My heart suddenly breaks,
as if something's stepping on it...

It's the last day of March,
an eventually "hot" day
a beautiful day...

I sat outside of the Union, trying to read,
but its seems like my heart
just couldn't put up with sorrows anymore...

And as the music flowed from the earphones to my ears,
It broke my heart, again.

So I walked to the little fountain outside of the Chapel,
and sat on the bench,
I tried to read again,
but the shining sun wouldn't let me.

And as the sunshine spilt on every corner of the earth,
It dried my smile, for once.

So I laid down a little bit, and tried to take a nap...
but the heat of the sun wouldn't let me.

And as the breeze blew from everywhere to nowhere,
It took my soul away ...

I finished watching the entire 11 episodes
of [Long Love Letter] in three days,
it's such a bittersweet...
I couldn't quite fall asleep last night,
as I was thinking about all those scenes I've seen.
This world we're living in right now,
how would it be several years or decades later..?
All the blossoms we witness right now,
would they remain...?
The ones we love right now,
would they still be the same...?
And the selves who we're trying to be right now,
would they change...?

If this world we're living in right now
is only going to be worse, and worse,
and we knew that we're never gonna be able to help it,
what is the point for us to, still, be alive?

Oh Lord,
I wish I were in heaven already.

I'm weary to my bones.
And my soul decided to leave me alone for a while.

But. Where did it go...?
Probably home.

Those so-called trees of dreams,
which we all are expecting to blossom
right now, at this moment,
would just be shattered later. They say.

If so,
what else's left to be the reasons of hoping.

Why did you even bother to create us, Lord,
if you knew that we're such evils,
if you knew that it's all gonna become ashes...?

I don't understand...

And as the Spring is finally arriving here,
it stepped through the land,
as well as my heart...


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